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A REALTOR® is a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®
Realtors®, Real Estate Agents and Brokers in Palos Hills, Illinois
Spero Speropoulos
Re/Max Team 2000
7130 West 127th Street
Palso Heights, IL 60463
Off:  708-361-5950
I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago. I have lived in the Southwest Suburbs my whole adult life. I have been involved in Real Estate since 1985. My practice is primarily residential. Over the years I have helped hundreds of families get to where they want to be on time, with the least amount of stress, and have always kept them in the best possible position to negotiate.For sellers I do everything in my power to have your house parade ready for sale before it hits the market. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression, so I make sure we are looking sharp a ready. For buyers knowledge is the key. You need to know the values of the properties that you are looking at and the list price is not the best indicator of value. To quote Sy Simms, "An informed consumer is our best asset."
Spero's Areas of Excellence
Cell: 708-296-2135
Lifetime Member